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Tooting My Own Horn
Back in the original Prosper forums, now archived at Prosperreport.com (thanks again 112233!), I started a thread called "Caladia's Picks," http://www.prosperreport.com/prosper/forums/archive/threads/1/6/9/16962.0.HTM about loans I would bid on if I had the $$$.
Ironically, when I actually was bidding, I bid with my heart and not my head, and it turns out my heart is a big softy, and frankly not too bright.
When making recommendations for others, though, I used my head, which, amazingly enough, seems relatively free of the brain damage that one might expect if one knew the abuse it had been subjected to over the years. [insert ninja smiley here!]
In the "Caladia's Picks" thread, I recommended 5 loans (actually 6, but one was canceled). Listing IDs: 83865, 82739, 107873 (Was 83220), 83314, 86519.
They're all a year old now, so I thought I'd revisit them and see how they're doing.
All current. Average rate 17%.
I am very impressed with myself. Now, I know, there will be those who say, "You know what would be more impressive? If you had found more than 5 loans. If more than a year had passed. If, perhaps, you had actually bid on those loans."
To those people I say "Shut. Up." :]
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